Written by Dr. Devinder Singh Sekhon PhD 17 December 2012
1. NATURE’S GIFT: There are certain things in nature that do not seem to have any importance to us. But, whatever has been created by Waheguru, is important at least to Him otherwise He would not create that. It is a different matter whether we realize the importance of those things or not. Hair is a nature’s gift to most of the land mammals, particularly to humans. Every new born child, regardless of the gender, has hair. Hair has multiple functions for us including some vital biological functions as discussed below.
Written by Dr D.S. Sekhon 04 December 2012
Getting married and raising a family is a sacred institution in Sikhism because perpetuation of human life is a natural law. All the Sikh Guru Sahiban were married and had families. The Eighth Master, Guru Har Krishan Sahib could not reach the marriageable age because He left this mortal world when He was not even quite 8 years old. All the Sikh priests are expected to get married. A Sikh wedding is a joyous occasion and all relatives and friends get together for the sacred ceremony. The actual ceremony is performed in the presence of the holy Guru Granth Sahib, and all vows are taken there. There is a recitation of holy Shabads from Guru Granth Sahib, and a prayer is performed to end the ceremony. Actually, there is no holy Shabad in Guru Granth Sahib exclusively dedicated to wedding ceremony. The shabads which are recited at the ceremony actually are related to the wedding of the human bride (see the definition of MEHLA above) to the groom – Waheguru (God). Before the bride and the groom walk into the Gurdwara (Sikh Temple), Guru Granth Sahib is already occupying the throne, and the raagi Singhs are singing some holy Shabads. After the bride and the groom have entered the Gurdwara, and have taken their seats in front of Guru Granth Sahib after paying respects to the holy Guru, the ceremony starts with a short prayer in front of Guru Granth Sahib in which the names of the bride and the groom are announced and a collective request is made to Waheguru to bless the would be couple. Next, the following holy Shabad is sung by the raagis (professional Shabad singers).
Written by Dr. Devinder Singh Sekhon PhD 29 November 2012
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- To inculcate an appreciation and respect for Gurbani among the youth.
Written by DSS 03 December 2012
Maya is a term which has been used time and again in Guru Granth Sahib. Even though the most common meaning of maya is money or wealth, but maya encompasses each and everything that attracts your senses. So, love for your family and your possessions, beauty, music, eating, resting, and hatred for anything, are all examples of maya. In general, lust, rage, greed, possessiveness, conceit, jealousy, laziness and the like make up maya. Every living being is suffers from the effects of Maya. Because of the suffering caused by Maya, every living being has been called unclean or mentally sick in Guru Granth Sahib.
Written by Dr. Devinder Singh Sekhon PhD 29 November 2012
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