Written by Dr. Devinder Singh Sekhon PhD Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Guru Nanak Sahib Revealed Gravity Long Before Newton: And Some Other Amazing Scientific Revelations
Dr Devinder Singh Sekhon, Canada.
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Guru Nanak Sahib came to this world not to impart the knowledge of science, but to enlighten humanity about the Supreme Being, and to teach us how to lead a life of honesty and peaceful coexistence among all humanity while respecting nature. But when glorifying God, He did allude to some deep scientific laws which will surprise most of us, if not all of us. And such revelations are not in vague terms even though we may have to dig deeper for their implications. The other Guru Sahiban simply elaborated the ideas of Guru Nanak Sahib as enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS). So, if I quote some holy Shabads written by other Guru Sahiban, the ideas are still of Guru Nanak Sahib.
Before we discuss Gravity, let us discuss some other amazing scientific information revealed by Him.
1. Creation of the World: According to Guru Nanak Sahib Waheguru (God) has created and destroyed the world (universe) many, many times before, and He does not need any assistance from anyone in this matter. He also gives the amazing detail by which the universe comes into being. The following holy Shabads make it very clear. At His time, it was no less than a miracle to disclose that the universe is “unduj”-shaped (egg-shaped) which has been proved to be the case now.
§ Bilawal(u) Mehla: 1, Thiti (840): Apay Sach(u) keeya kur(i) joarr(i). Unduj phoarr(i), joarr(i), vichhoarr(i). ----- Jin(i) keeyay, kur(i) vaykhunhaara. Uver(u) na dooja sirjunhaara.
Meaning: Putting the elements (earth, water, air, energy etc.) together, Waheguru created the reality of the universe. Waheguru is eternal Himself, but He destroys the egg-shaped universe, puts it together, and separates it into its ingredients again (destroys it) meaning the universe has been created, destroyed, and created again many times before. ---------- Waheguru, which creates the living beings, looks after them too. as well. There is no other power which has the ability to create the universe.
§ Assa Dee Vaar, Paurri (463): Apeenayh Aap(u) saajiyo, Aapeenaiy ruchiyo Naaoun. Dooyee kudrut(i) saajiyaiy, kur(i) aasun dittho chaaou. ----------
Meaning: Waheguru first illuminated Himself, and then He created His Laws (Naaoun). He, then created nature as His throne, and is now watching (enjoying it) with excitement. ----------
§ Maru Solhe M: 1 (1035): Urbud, nurbud dhundhukaara. Dhern(i) na guguna Huqam Apaara. Na din(u) raiyn, na chund na suraj, soonn smaadh(i) lugaaynda. 1. Khaani na baani, paun na paani. Khund, putaal, supt nuhee saagur, nudee na neer(u) vuhaaynda. 2. ------- Ja Tis(u) Bhaana ta jugut oopaaya. Baajh(u) kulaa, aadaan(u) ruhaaya. Brahma, Bishan, Mahesh(u) oopaayay, Maya moh(u) vudhaayanda. ------- Virlay kuou Gur Shabad(u) soonaaya, Kur(i), Kur(i) daykhay Huqam Subbaya. Khund, Brahmund, pataal aarumbhay, goopt-houn perguti aayaynda. 15.3.15.
Meaning: For millions of years – nay, for even more than that – there was complete darkness due to fog. There was no earth, no sky, nor even the laws (Huqam) of the limitless Waheguru. There was no day, night, moon or the sun; Waheguru was in the meditative state where there was no effect of Maya. 1. There was no source of reproduction, ways of communications, air or water. There were no parts of the universe (the world), the underworlds, or the seven seas; and no river with water flowing in it. -------- He created the world when He wished, and stretched the sky without any support. He also created gods like Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, and cultivated attraction for Maya in the living beings. -------- He enlightens some of His favourites with Guru’s Shabad who come to know that Waheguru creates heavenly bodies and looks after them with His Laws in orderly manner. He began to create worlds, galaxies, and underworlds which began to appear from their invisible states.
§ Sri Raag M:1 (20): Saachaiy tay puvna bhuyya, puvaiy tay jul(u) hoyay. Jul tay tirbhuvun saajiya, ghut, ghut Jot(i) smoyay. ----------
Meaning: Waheguru created gases from Himself which were converted into water (and other liquids). He then created the three-dimensional solids from the liquids to create the universe. His Light is present in every living being (His Light is the source of life for everything). -------
§ Mulaar Kee Vaar, Paurri, M: 1 (1282): Nath, jutee, sidh, peer kinaiy unt(u) na paaya. ------ Joog chhutteeh goobaar Tis hee bhaaya. Julaa bimb usraal Tinaiy vertaaya. --- 9
Meaning: None of the top leaders of the yogis, the celibates, the Sidh yogis, or the Muslim ascetics, has ever found the limits of Waheguru. -------- It was His choice to have complete darkness for 36 eons (unlimited time). Then, He created frightening water everywhere. ---
All the above holy Shabads disclose amazing secrets about the creation of the universe.
2. Everything Created in Limitless Amounts
The Lord has created everything in abundance without any limit. The following Shabads support this fact.
§ Jap Ji (Paurri 22): Pataalaan pataal, lukh, agaasaan agaas. Oarruk, oarruk bhaal(i) thuckay, Ved kehn(i) ikk vaat. Sehs atthaarah keh(i) Kutebaan, usuloo ikk(u) dhaat(u). Lekha hoyay ta likhiyaiy, lekhaiy hoyay vinaas(u).
Meaning: There are countless underworlds and countless skies. Even the Vedas admit that nobody can find the limits of the universe even if one gets exhausted in his search to the end. The religious books of the West (Bible, Torah, Quran etc.) claim that there are 18000 worlds, but the reality is that nobody knows the limits of the universe. It is so huge that if someone tries to keep the account of the number of worlds, he will run out of the numbers.
§ Mulaar Kee Vaar, Paurri, M:1 (1283): Khund putaal asunkh, mein gunut na hoyee. Tu Kerta Govind, Toodh(u) sirjee, Toodahiy goyee. ------- 12.
Meaning: There are countless earths and underworlds which I cannot keep account of. You are the creator which creates the universe and then folds it, oh God.
§ Jap Ji (Paurri 3): ----- Kuthna kuthee na aavaiy toat(i). Kuth(i), kuth(i) kuthee koati, koat(i), koat(i). Daynda day, laiynday thuck paah(i). Joogaan jooguntar(i) khaahi khaah(i).
Meaning: Countless people describe God’s qualities, but cannot find their end. He creates and provides so much that the living beings get tired of using them. There is so much to eat that it can last for many, many eons.
§ Jap Ji (Paurri 4): Saacha Sahib, saach(u) Naayay, bhaakhiya bhaaou apaar(u). Aakheh(i), mungeh(i) dayh(i), dayh(i) daat(i) kuray Dataar(u).
§ Meaning: The Lord is eternal, and He delivers perfect justice. Love is the language to communicate with Him. People ask for more and more, and the kind Lord fulfills their needs.
3. Food For All Living Beings Created Before They Were Created
According to Guru Nanak Sahib and Guru Granth Sahib, the Lord created food for all species of living beings even before they were created.
§ Jap Ji (Paurri 31): Aasun(u) loyay loyay bhundaar. Jo kichh(u) paaya su aika vaar. ----
Meaning: Waheguru has His throne, and His treasures (including the food for all living beings) in every world. He filled His treasures with all the needed materials all at once (and there is never a need to replenish them). -------
§ Saarung Ashtpudi Mehla 5 (1235): Gosaayeen pertap(u) Toomhaaro deettha. -------- Ghut(i), ghut(i) Kutha Raajun kee chaalaiy, ghur(i), ghur(i) Toojheh(i) oomaaha. Jea junt subh paachhaiy kuriya, perthumay rijk(u) smaaha.
Meaning: Your majesty is visible everywhere, oh Lord. Every heart sings Your praise with excitement that You created food for all the species even before they were created.
4. Sources of Reproduction Also Unlimited
Generally, four sources of reproduction of living beings are recognized which include: live births, from eggs, from vegetation, and from air under suitable conditions (like lice, mold, bacteria etc.). But Guru Nanak Sahib claimed that even the sources of reproduction are unlimited (which the scientists are proving now). Please read the following Shabad.
§ Jap Ji (Paurri 35): Kaytay Ind, chund, soor kaytay, kaytay mundul days. Kaytay Sidh, Budha, Nath kaytay, kaytay devi vays. Kaytay dev, daanuv, moon(i) kaytay, kaytay ruttan smoond. Kaytiya khaani, laytiya bani, kaytay paat narind.
Meaning: There are countless Indras (mythical paradises), moons, suns, and galaxies. There are countless accomplished Yogis, Budhas, Naaths (gurus of Sidhs), and goddesses of many kinds. There are countless gods, demons, hermits, mythical seas of jewels, and kingdoms. There are countless sources of reproduction, and countless ways to communicate.
5. Vegetation Too Has Life
Again, long before the written history shows, Guru Nanak revealed that even vegetation has life. The following holy Shabads testify to this fact.
§ Sloak Mehla 1 (1289): Maas(u), maas(u) kur(i) moorukh jhugrraiy, Giyan, dhiyan na jaanaiy. Kaun(u) maas(u), kaun saag kuhaaveh(i), kis meh(i) paap smaanaiy. -------
Meaning: Only the foolish get into the futile discussions on the subject of meat – whether to eat it or not. They have no spiritual knowledge or the ability to ponder on deeply to know that it is not even possible to distinguish between meat and vegetation (that both have life) and eating of which is sinful. -------
§ Sloak Mehla 1 (472): Jay kur(i) sootuk(u) munniyaiy, subh taiy sootuk(u) hoyay. Gohay utaiy lukkrri, undar(i) keerra hoyay. Jaytay daanay unn kay, jeeyaan baajh(u) na koyay. -
Meaning: If we believe that birth or death in a household leads to impurity, then impurity is everywhere. The cow-dung cakes, and the wood that we burn have living bugs or worms in them which keep being born and dying. And, all cereal grains that we consume have life. ------
6. Air As Guru
§ Jap Ji (8): Puvun guru, paani pita, maata dhert(i) meht(u). Dinus(u) raat dooyay daayee, daaya khaylay sub jugut. ---------
Meaning: (The man is not thankful to God) which has created the essential elements, like air which is like guru, water, which nurtures the living beings like a father, and the earth which raises them like a mother. He also created days and nights which serve like male and female nannies for the world in whose lap the world enjoys and relaxes.
§ Maru Solhe Mehla 1: (1020): ---------- Paun(u) guru, paani pit jaata. Oodur sunjogi dherti maata. Raiyn(i) dinus(u) dooyay daayee, daaya, jug(u) khaylaiy khaylaayee hay. --------
Meaning: The air is guru for the living beings whereas water is recognized as their father. The earth plays the role of the mother which gives birth to all kinds of food and the other necessities of life. Days and nights play the role of nannies which provide comfortable conditions for the living beings to enjoy and relax.
Air as Guru: The roles of water, earth, days and nights in their capacities as described in the two holy Shabads, are easily understood, but why Guru Nanak Sahib has called the air as the guru, is not easily understood, and requires analysis. Some scholars have claimed that air means Guru’s Shabad in these holy Shabads. But, here Guru Sahib is NOT talking about spirituality in these two Shabads; He is talking about the natural elements as necessities of life only.
Here again, Guru Nanak Sahib is alluding to something different, which is another amazing revelation. The role of the guru is to purify the soul of humans; but what does air purify? All of us know that air is necessary to breathe, and absence of air – more precisely oxygen - leads to death. But what many of us do not know that not only is oxygen (in air) is necessary to breathe, it also purifies the blood just like the Guru purifies the soul.
That is why Guru Nanak designated air as guru. Is not it amazing!!
7. There Are No Dedicated Buildings or Places for Heaven and Hell[DSS1]
All religions believe in some kind of hell and heaven where all humans are sent after death. The most common belief about Hell (Nerk, Dokukh) is that it is a place ruled by frightening people where the sinners are given severe punishments including burning in fire. On the other hand, Paradise (Heaven, Sverg, Baiykoontth) is the place where God resides, where all sorts of comforts are provided, and everything is very pretty including flowers, beautiful vegetation, waterfalls etc. Only noble souls are sent there. According to most religions, Paradise is somewhere in the sky – most likely on the seventh.
There is frequent mention of hell and heaven in Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS), but unlike the belief of other religions, they are not dedicated places. Guru Nanak Sahib defines Hell as disconnection with Waheguru or suffering of soul going through many different life forms. The following holy Shabads support this assertion:
§ Maru Solhe Mehla 1 (1027-8): Chauraasi Nerk saakut(u) bhogaayiyaiy. Jaiysa keechaiy, taiyso paayiyaiy. Satgur baajhoun mookut(i) na hoyee, kirt bandha gruss(i) deena hay. 8
Meaning: As the result of his immoral deeds, the Maya-worshipper is taken through the hell of 8.4 million life forms. No one can find salvation without the guidance of Satguru. Everybody performs deeds as per his predetermined nature based on his kind of deeds in his previous lives.
Note: The Hindu religious books believe that there are 8.4 million life forms.
§ Maru Solhe Mehla 1 (1030): Saakut koorr kupt meh(i) tayka. Ehinis(i) ninda kureh(i) anayka. Bin(u) simrun aaveh(i), phoon(i) jaaveh(i) gerbh joani Nerk munjhara hay.
Meaning: The deeds of a Maya-worshipper are based on falsehood (lies) and deceit. He vilifies countless people day and night. Without reciting Waheguru’s Naam, he keeps taking births and dying, and stays in the hell of going through many life forms.
There are many more Shabads in SGGS on Hell that associate it with rebirths, but we will not quote more.
Since God is omnipresent, and lives in every heart, the whole universe is Paradise in that sense. But, the real Paradise is the place, or individual’s heart, where God appears (humans get connected with, or get enlightened by Him). According to Guru Nanak, paradise is the place where God’s praise is sung - and that is in the congregation of holy saints or individual’s heart. For Guru Nanak, connection with God is Paradise, while disconnection with Him is the Hell. The following holy Shabads support this assertion:
§ Majh Mehla 5 (106): --------- Prubh Toom tay lehna, Toon mayra gehna. Jo Toon dayh(i) soyee sookh(u) sehna. Jithaiy rukheh(i) baiykuntth tithaayeen, Toon subhna kay pritpaala Jeo. 3. 40.
Meaning: Your Naam is the ornament that beautifies my mind, but, one gets it from You with Your benevolence, oh Lord. I live in comfort in whatever situation You put me in. You are the raiser and nourisher of everybody, and it is paradise for me in whatever situation You keep me in (as long as I can recite Your Naam), oh Lord.
§ Bilawal(u) Mehla 5 (816-17): Simer(i), simer(i) Poorun Prubhu, kaaruj bhuyyay raas(i). Kartarpur(i) Kerta vussaiy suntun kaiy paas(i).
Meaning: All tasks get completed successfully when one recites the omnipresent Waheguru’s (Lord’s) Naam. The creator Lord resides in the company of the holy saints.
So, according to Guru Nanak, hell and heaven are conditions and not dedicated places.
8. The Moon Owes Its Shine (Brightness) To The Sun: The following holy Shabad, in which Guru Sahib glorifies the majesty of Waheguru (God), He also makes it perfectly clear thar the moon owes its brightness to the sun.
§ Maru Solhe M:1 (1033): ------- Bhaar atthaarah maalun Tayri. Chaur dhoolay puvnaiy laiy phayri. Chund(u) suraj dooyay deepuk raakhay, sus(i) ghur(i) soor(u) smaayaynda. ---
Word Meaning: Bhaar Atthaarah = the entire vegetation. Maalun = gardener. Chaur = whisk (a sign of royalty). Dhoollay = fans. Puvnaiy Phayri = wind with changing directions. Sus(i) Ghur(i) = in the moon. Soor(u) = the sun. Smaayaynda = is absorbed (is reflected).
Meaning: The entire vegetation is Your gardener, and the wind with changing directions fans whisk on You, oh Lord. You have created the sun and the moon as two lamps for the world where the moon gets its brightness when sun’s light is reflected by it.
9. Gravity And Orbits Of The Earth
Gravity, and the orbits of the earth (its revolution around the sun) are the most amazing scientific revelations of Guru Nanak Sahib – and those too long before the documented history of their discoveries. There aren’t too many holy Shabads on the subject, in SGGS, but the two Shabads by Guru Nanak Sahib which are interconnected, are highly convincing about them. They are:
§ Maru Solhe Mehla 1 (1032): Saachay Sahib sirjunhaaray. Jin(i) dhur chukkur dhuray veechaaray. Aapay Kerta kur(i), kur(i) vaykhaiy Saacha vaypervaaha hay. 1.12.
Meaning: The eternal God and the Creator of the universe, placed the earth in its orbits with great thought (planning). The Creator looks after its creation, but is always worry-free.
§ Sloak Mehla 1 (464): Bhaiy vich(i) puvun(u) vuhhaiy sadvaaou. Bhaiy vich(i) chulleh(i) lukh duriyaaou. Bhaiy vich(i) ugun(i) kuddhaiy vaygaar(i). Bhaiy vich(i) dherti dubbi bhaar(i).
Meaning: The wind always blows in the fear of God (obeying His laws); and countless rivers flow according to his laws. The fire obeys His laws to serve the living beings (or to destroy them). similarly, the earth is pressed under the weight according to His laws.
IMPLICATION: As mentioned at the very beginning, Guru Nanak Sahib was not here to teach us science; but He made many amazing scientific revelations while glorifying God. In the first Shabad quoted above, there is no doubt left that He talks about the orbits of the earth in which the earth goes around the sun. Now, as many of us know that when a body travels in a circular path, it has to have some force to keep it in that path. This force is called centripetal force. If that force is not available, the body will fly away out of its circular path, and begin to travel in a straight line. Then, the next valid question is what the source of that force is in the case of the earth. The second Sloak quoted above is the key to the answer which is hidden in the last high-lighted sentence. Consider a balloon filled with hydrogen or helium. If some kind of force is not applied to hold it in place, it will fly away. You may have to tie it, or put some kind of weight on it. That is exactly the kind of weight under which the earth is pressed to keep it from flying off its circular path around the sun. Guru Nanak Sahib did not name this weight, but it certainly implies the weight (force) of GRAVITY (gravitational force). In other words, it is the force of gravity that keeps the earth revolving in circular orbits around the sun. Guru Nanak alluded to this force more than 500 years ago – long before Newton who claimed his discovery of gravity in 1687!!!
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